
Taking Action Against Anxiety

This past year has had profound impacts on most Canadians’ mental health and well-being. COVID-19 has affected our mental health in many ways. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, about 38% of Canadians have experienced a decline in their mental health, including 24% of parents noticing a decline in their child’s mental health, with 46% reporting COVID-related anxiety. (1)

On Bell Let’s Talk Day (January 28th, 2021) we are encouraged to bring awareness to the effects that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the mental health of our families, friends, co-workers and communities.

As an organization that provides distance education to help equip children, youth, adults and families with the skills needed to overcome #anxiety and #behaviour, we too have heard from our clients that this year has been very difficult. Increased anxiety, depression and behaviour issues, dealing with major life stressors and adjustments to the pandemic restrictions, as well as the negative impacts of prolonged social isolation have become more common this past year.

Many children, youth and adults are feeling nervous, anxious and or afraid about doing activities that we once considered enjoyable, such as shopping, visiting, or simple social interactions. As we each face varying rules of social distancing and restrictions across Canada, let’s be mindful of how we can help each other – Now More Than Ever, Every Action Counts. However, to take action, we need to understand what anxiety is and when to reach out for help.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the unpleasant feeling or signs of nervousness, stress or worry when there is real or imagined danger nearby. Anxiety is a natural part of life. It is normal to feel anxious or nervous when facing certain situations. Anxiety or worry that lasts a short while and does not interfere with daily life, is considered normal. It is when we see these signs increase in intensity and interfere with daily life that we should take action.

Signs that you, or your loved one, may have excessive or ‘too much’ anxiety and should seek help:

  • Frequent, daily negative thought patterns and negative self-talk that causes your anxiety signs to become worse and hard to control.
  • Physical signs of too much anxiety such as stomach aches/headaches, racing heart, fidgety and panic attacks.
  • Avoidance of anxiety-causing situations preventing you from doing things you would normally do or want to do. Sometimes, anxiety signs can get so intense that people decide to avoid ANY situation because of their fear of having such uncomfortable anxiety feelings again.
  • Avoidance can cause anxiety to become worse over time. The good news is that effective help is available, so, together, Let’s Take Action!

Taking Action

On #BellLetsTalk Day 2021, let’s take action for better #mentalhealth. Take a moment today to have a conversation with someone that you may be worried about. A great first step could be something as simple as “I’ve noticed you’ve been down lately. Is everything OK?” or “How can I help?” Recommend and encourage others to pick-up the phone and make the call to a service provider for support.

Today, let’s collectively work together #Talk #Text #Share #Watch #TakeAction https://letstalk.bell.ca/en/bell-lets-talk-day

Getting Help

Strongest Families Institute provides a variety of services that can help. Referring is easy and programs are provided free in the privacy and comfort of your home at a time that is convenient for you and your family. https://strongestfamilies.com/get-help/

Today, we are thankful for the support of Bell Let’s Talk and every action taken by those who support mental health initiatives such as these. Your actions, and their generosity, have helped support our efforts in our Canadian service expansion strategy allowing us to help clients in Atlantic Canada as well as Manitoba and the Northwest Territories.

(1) https://cmha.bc.ca/covid-19/

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