Our Program Delivery

Our Program Delivery

It is important to note that SFI is not a counselling service. We teach evidence-based skills to help individuals overcome mild to moderate mental health issues impacting health and well being.

Strongest Families Institute (SFI) uses technology and highly trained para-professional telephone coaches to deliver evidence-based mental health programs (in both English and French). All our Programs are co-designed with youth and adults with lived experience. A Family Centred approach.

Program materials are available in hard copy or online. Services are delivered in the comfort and privacy of their own homes at convenient times. The distance delivery model means geography nor time are barriers when accessing SFI services. The visual anonymity afforded by our distance delivery model provides privacy for clients, reducing stigma.

SFI’s Objectives:

  • to provide timely access to high-quality care regardless of geographic location
  • to measure and report outcomes
  • to customize care to meet the client’s needs with a family-centred approach

Customizing care is a priority of SFI’s model of care. Cultural sensitivity to the client’s situation/background is built into the care that we provide. Parents and children report a strong bond with their telephone coach and are highly satisfied with our service.

SFI programs are delivered via one on one coaching sessions or group-based coaching. The benefit of the group option is peer support. A group of clients with similar experiences are matched with an experienced Group Coach in a teleconference call. The coach guides the group through problem-solving and supporting each other through the program. Even people who are hesitant in the beginning about joining a group tell us that the support they received was very helpful.

Client Experience

Once an individual’s referral is received by SFI, they will be asked to complete a questionnaire, online or over the telephone. Once the questionnaire is completed, consent will be completed over the telephone or online. The family/individual will be assigned a primary coach and a program package will be sent (those who select online intervention will receive an email for login instructions to our secure IRIS website). Family/Individuals will complete their program and then complete an end of program questionnaire. Depending on learning needs and the demands of usual family life, program timelines can be modified to meet individual needs.

Learning new skills takes time and commitment that is why we provide our program in a step-by-step manner, the time and dedication our clients put in pays off in success!