Get help now for anxiety, depression, and behaviour issues for children, youth, adults and families. We offer anxiety programs for ages 6-18, anxiety and depression for ages 18+, parenting programs to help with behaviour for children ages 3-12, and bedwetting for ages 6+.
Where available, all programs are free to the client and done at a time that is convenient for you. Please note that not all programs are available in all provinces. You can learn more about what is offerred in your province by clicking the "get help now" button below.
Get Help Now. Youth Programs
Parents Empowering Kids – Behaviour Difficulties Program
3-12 years of age
This program helps parents learn to deal with common childhood behaviour problems such as temper outbursts, not listening, verbal and physical aggression and difficulties paying attention.
Chase Worries Away – Anxiety Program
6-11 years of age
This program educates parents and children about anxiety and guides them as they learn relaxation skills and how to face worry in real life.
Defeat Anxiety – Anxiety Program
12-17 years of age
This program educates youth and their parents about anxiety and guides them as they learn relaxation skills and how to face worry in real life.
Dry Nights Ahead – Nighttime Bedwetting
5-12 years of age
This program helps children overcome bedwetting with the use of a urine alarm, reward system, and weekly telephone support from a coach.
Chase Pain Away – Recurrent Headache/Abdominal Pain
9-16 years of age
This program focuses on teaching stress management, avoidance of triggers, dietary modifications, appropriate use of over-the-counter medication, and with weekly telephone support from a coach.
Parenting Programs
Parents Empowering Kids – Behaviour Difficulties Program
3-12 years of age
This program helps parents learn to deal with common childhood behaviour problems such as temper outbursts, not listening, verbal and physical aggression and difficulties paying attention.
Get Help Now. Adult Programs
18+ years of age
This program educates adults about anxiety and depression and guides them as they learn skills to overcome their anxiety, depression, excessive worry and guides you as you learn how to cope with major life stressors.
Military Programs
With support from the Military Family Services Ottawa, RBC Foundation, Bell Let's Talk and the True Patriot Love Foundation, and Veterans Affairs Canada, Strongest Families is honoured to provide services to military and Veteran Families across Canada.
Our Coaches are trained to help families prepare for transitions such as deployments, postings, training courses, and reintegration. We can help equip your family with strategies to cope with change. Our programs are for families with children ages 3-17. Services are confidential and delivered when and where you need them. Our free services are available at times that are convenient for your family - no need to travel, take time from work or school. All our staff are trained in military cultural competencies.
Learn more HERE.
In collaboration with Military Family Resource Centers across Canada, access to services is as easy as a call to your local MFRC.