On Thursday, October 20th, SFI will join Premier Tim Houston, the Honourable Brian Cormer and Starr Cunningham from the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia, at the Province House to celebrate the Council of Federation’s Award for Innovation in Mental Health and Addictions.
This Mental Health Innovation Award is granted to individuals and organizations across the county who demonstrate how they are embracing innovations and sharing their learnings through knowledge translation. Each province and Territory had one winner selected from a committee with representation from the Office of Addictions and Mental Health as well as the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.
Strongest Families was recognized for their recent work regarding their newly released app in October with funding from Bell Let’s Talk. Read more HERE.
Starr Cunningham, CEO Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia was quoted as saying:
We are incredibly proud of the innovative work being done across our province. We applaud Canada’s Premiers for putting the spotlight on exceptional ground-breaking achievements in the field of mental health and addictions care. Congratulations to Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie, Mark Long and the Strongest Families Institute for receiving this provincial honour. The Foundation is pleased to have played a role.”
Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie, President & CEO states:
“We are honoured to be recognized by Canada’s Premiers. Our team is focused on delivering accessible and timely evidence-based programs to improve mental health and well-being. Our online platform includes an easy-to-use app that customizes care to meet people’s needs – when and where they need help. It also creates efficiencies in our organization, allowing us to devote more time and resources to client care. We are incredibly proud of Mark Long for his long-standing leadership along with many of our other team members who are committed to advancing this work.”
Read the full release from the Nova Scotia Office of Addictions and Mental Health HERE as well as the release from the Council of Federation HERE.
Quick fact:
The Council of the Federation was established in 2003 as a way for Canada’s 13 Premiers to promote cooperation, foster meaningful relations between governments and provide national leadership.
Tags: adults, anxiety, depression, innovation, mental heatlh, nova scotia, premier