Amid our busy lives, it’s too easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle, often neglecting our well-being. This week, we want to encourage you to take just 10 minutes out of your day to step outside...
Stay Healthy with Expert's Advice
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Empowering Youth: A Heartfelt Thank You to RBC Foundation for Enhancing Youth Mental Health Programs
By: Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie, CEO & Co-founder, Strongest Families Institute/IRIS software; Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University; Scientist, IWK Health Centre Introduction We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to the RBC Foundation for their generous contribution of $25,000 to...
anxiety, free mental health program, mental health, RBC Foundation, Strongest Families Institute, Youth Mental Health
Mental Illness Awareness Week 2024 (#MIAW24) is upon us, and it’s given me pausefor thought about my own mental health journey. Growing up queer in a small CapeBreton town wasn’t always easy. I often felt like I didn’t fit...
Frequently Asked Questions
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How many people undergo cosmetic surgery each year?
Is surgery performed under general or local anesthesia?
Do you perform tumescent liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction uses a large volume of dilute epinephrine to cause intense constriction of the small blood vessels, which leads to less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
If a patient has a heart condition, is plastic surgery with general anesthesia safe?
Does a person's voice change after rhinoplasty (nose surgery)?
How do I know what size breast implant is right for me?
For example, are you doing it because you feel your breasts are too small relative to your body contour or are you unhappy with the size and firmness of your breasts following pregnancy, breastfeeding or major weight loss? Unevenness between the breasts can also be a motivating factor. Your surgeon can help you make the right decision during your pre-surgical appointments.
What is the recovery from cosmetic surgery like?
What parts of the body do you do Plastic Surgery on?
How long does it take for an operation?
What are the risks?
What are the most common surgeries?
Will it be covered by my medical insurance?
What is the difference between Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery?
How long does it take to recover from Reconstructive surgery?
What procedures are considered reconstructive surgery?
The line between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery can sometimes be blurred. Generally, reconstructive surgery improves both appearance and health. Some examples of reconstructive surgery include:
- Tumor Removal
- Laceration Repair
- Scar Revision
- Hand Surgery
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Reconstruction (Following surgical breast cancer treatment)
- Burn Care – Reconstructive Rhinoplasty (to improve nose air flow)
- Eyelid Surgery (to improve field of vision)
Does Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery will not have scars after the operation. Is it true?
What are the specialized areas of Plastic surgery?
What should I expect during a consultation for a body lift?
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